AnnouncementsIntroducing raisin Analytics

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Intuitive insights, flexible reporting and supporter intelligence – directly in raisin


Fundraising in 2024 is both art and science.

On one hand, the reasons that people donate are deeply personal and intuitive. As a fundraiser, you bring real-world meaning to your supporters' gifts - through stewardship that brings a smile, events that crystalize community or a real-world action that saves a life.
These generous acts can’t necessarily be quantified (not to mention, they're the reason we do what we do!), but the value of “data and numbers” in understanding your supporters and their motivations is hard to overlook ­­– especially now. Consumers expect greater personalization, giving patterns are shifting, and there's a whole generation of young donors seeking more diverse ways to get involved with your cause.
Responding to these trends relies on meaningful data. And as an industry, truthfully, we haven’t done a great job in getting this data to causes like yours.
Throughout the course of developing Analytics, we heard from so many organizations – learning not only about the metrics that drive their success – but also the often-complex processes that get them to these key results: Old-school daily progress reports, generating the same report multiple times a day, complex third-party BI tools, personal alchemies of formulas and macros, “head in hands” moments waiting for aging data to percolate into another siloed system, and of course, lots of spreadsheets.
All of this takes time, takes effort and takes you away from the fundraising work you’re doing on the ground.

Analytics, our new reporting and supporting intelligence platform, gives you greater insight in less time, so that you can be a more effective fundraiser. 

Here's how:

Spot-on insights available on the spot

Analytics brings all of your campaigns together in one powerful place. Dynamic, pre-built dashboards visualize the most meaningful fundraising metrics, making it easy for you to monitor progress, celebrate wins, and spot opportunities as they happen.

Yes, gone are the days of juggling campaign spreadsheets and waiting for information to make its way into a siloed, third-party tool.

Interact with your data in-app and in real-time
There are so many ways to engage with your data – explore chart drill-downs, apply filters on almost any dimension, re-order and re-label columns, and much more. Find answers to the fundraising questions keeping you up at night... without spending all night combing through spreadsheets.
Personalized to your unique reporting needs
It was clear from our research and discovery that no one cause, business group or fundraiser handles data the same way. It makes sense: responding to the unique needs of your supporters requires equally unique reporting regimes.
In Analytics, no matter if you're dropping in new insights from our library of charts, rearranging them for a better flow, or choosing different visuals to better illustrate your achievements, it will always work the way you do.  
Action your analysis
Broadcast your newly-discovered insights up, down and even outside of your organization. With eyes on the right metrics, presented in the right way, your team is empowered to make informed decisions quickly and confidently.


Reporting shouldn't have to be a mad science. Meaningful data informs and enrichs the connections you build, giving you the freedom to explore the art of fundraising.

Analytics is the first step towards a new supporter experience on raisin. Let us know what you think!


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